Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Website Trends

Internet is more than a decade old and over the years it has evolved many folds. It has grown from an experimental channel to the most prominent communication channel. Along with the Internet everything related to it has also changed. The most important partner in the growth is the core of Internet i.e. websites.

Websites started of as mere information mediums. There was no other use of these virtual catalogues. Web Design Delhi Things today have changed and how. Websites are used to sell & buy products, for social interaction and even to find life partners!

With the role redefined, the trends in website development have also seen see change. The most obvious change is the upgrade in screen resolutions.The supported screen sizes have gone bigger year by year. It has given the developers a larger playing field and the results are tremendous.

Of course, the technology has evolved beyond expectation. The richness of colors and text is something that was unimaginable when it all started. From the coding perspective also the functionalities now possible on a web portal are mind-boggling.

Another important factor is the speed that today’s systems are capable of handling. With the transfer speed in mega bytes there is no hitch for website designers to load their websites with heavy images and videos. Again this has increased the possibilities many folds. The speed of Internet complimented by the speed of systems is the perfect mix for website designers.

Mobile websites have slowly but surely stamped their presence as a redefining factor for the websites. Web Design India Earlier there was a tendency to replicate the system website for mobile versions but now the developers are realizing the potential of portable websites and the restructuring of information it requires. Ironically,this advent has also increased the design trends in system websites as people are learning from mobile versions.

Now the latest buzzword is tablets and soon the websites will shift focus to them.As the technology evolves and the minds sharpen, the websites world is bound to get better and better.

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